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Preparation of Simple Conditioner

Back source:Rongxin Chemical Industry Mobile browsing
volume: Date:2023-05-18 16:35【BIG MID SMALL

Preparation of Simple Conditioner

Use products:Ammonium Behenyl Trimethyl Methyl Su

Case introduction:

In April this year, a shampoo manufacturer from Fiji contacted us and told us that he wanted to develop a new hair conditioner. The customer requested that the product be as irritating to the skin and hair as possible. According to the customer's requirements, he recommended the customer to choose BTMS 25, because our BTMS The series of products have almost zero irritation to skin and hair, and BTMS 25 contains a large amount of cetearyl alcohol, so no additional thickener is needed. The customer completes the product development by directly adding 8% BTMS 25 with 65-degree hot water and adding the required essence and preservatives.


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